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The Manchurian Candidate

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S.T.R.E.A.M.I.N.G The Manchurian Candidate FULL HD

Title : The Manchurian Candidate

Overview: Near the end of the Korean War, a platoon of U.S. soldiers is captured by communists and brainwashed. Following the war, the platoon is returned home, and Sergeant Raymond Shaw is lauded as a hero by the rest of his platoon. However, the platoon commander, Captain Bennett Marco, finds himself plagued by strange nightmares and soon races to uncover a terrible plot.

Tagline: When you've seen it all, you'll swear there's never been anything like it!

Release: 1962-10-24

Runtime: 126 Minutes

Year: 1962

Genre: Thriller, Drama

Budget: $2,200,000

Revenue: $7,700,000

Language: English

Castname: Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Angela Lansbury, James Gregory, Janet Leigh, Henry Silva, Leslie Parrish, John McGiver, Khigh Dhiegh, James Edwards

Crewname: George R. Nelson, Richard Carruth, George Axelrod, George Axelrod, Howard W. Koch, Ferris Webster, Richard Sylbert, Ron Berkeley, Philip M. Jefferies, John Frankenheimer

Company: United Artists, MC Productions

Vote Average: 7.8

Vote Count: 314

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From Movie Maniac and Reviewer of STREAMING The Manchurian Candidate ONLINE

Bob Craig

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Audrey Mcguire

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